Tax and Customs
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Tax and Customs

Improve Tax Compliance, Take


Control of Your Revenue.


Experienced Delivering Tax Admin Software


Countries Benefit From Software


Tax & Customs Software Specialists


Revenue Authorities on Latest Version

Today, Revenue Authorities are faced with unprecedented demands to increase efficiency and effectiveness. At the same time, the ups and downs of a global economy have decreased revenue collections and stretched their resources to the limit. These revenue authorities require capabilities that enable them to generate revenue, plug leakages in revenue collection, adapt to mandated legislative changes in a timely fashion and apply proactive actions that reduce non-compliance, all while maintaining a high level of service.

Many Revenue Authorities have realized that Information Technology has to be leveraged to provide better service to the taxpayer and provide better information to the revenue departments.

Many Revenue Authorities seek a solution that can

Streamline operations

Ensure Compliance

Increase revenue collection

Comply with e-government mandates for security and confidentiality.

Provide flexibility to the tax and revenue agencies.

Support enforcement of Trade Facilitation activities effectively.

Value Add

Domain Expertise

Built on more than 20 years experience across 25 countries by tax experts.

Enterprise Class

Sets new standards of taxpayer service capabilities through enterprise class CRM tools.


Full suite of BI and analytical tools to provide insight and inform risk and compliance.

Online & Manual

Full support for online and manual administration to ensure maximum impact in developing economies.



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Contact Us

PO Box 57666-00200, Heritan House Woodlands Road, Off. Argwings-Kodhek Road Opposite to DOD Headquarters, Nairobi, Kenya

Tel. +254 738 770 186/ 734 770 187
Fax +254 202 246 186