Public Finance Management
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Public Finance Management

Improving Accountability

and Service Delivery


Public Sector IFMIS Projects


IFMIS Sites Implementations


Million Impacted


Users Trained


IFMIS Consultants

Techno Brain’s Public Finance Management solutions provide Public Sector Organizations with comprehensive solutions whose functionalities include automation of core activities, efficient operations, transparency and an increase in productivity.


The solutions also assist in meeting complex regulatory, budgetary, and grant compliance requirements for effective accountability and service delivery.


This is key in:

        • Strategic Planning
        • Cash Flow Regulation
        • Budget and Grant Compliance
        • Enhanced Citizen Services
        • Fiscal Transparency
        • Document Security

Accountability > Profitability

How any Government chooses to use Public Finance can have a huge impact in the economy, distribution of income and wealth (income redistribution) and on the efficiency of markets.

Techno Brain has worked with Governments across East, South and West Africa to ensure the central and local governments offer its citizens and businesses quality and reliable infrastructure, services and facilities through our Public Finance Management Solutions.

Case Studies


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Contact Us

PO Box 57666-00200, Heritan House Woodlands Road, Off. Argwings-Kodhek Road Opposite to DOD Headquarters, Nairobi, Kenya

Tel. +254 738 770 186/ 734 770 187
Fax +254 202 246 186